Activities, Alumni

ACE Mali Ph.D. students

Currently, the five following students are enrolled at USTTB Doctoral school in the Ph.D. program in Bioinformatics. They are supported by the NIH Fogarty training grant USTTB – Tulane University.

  • Kangaye Amadou DIALLO: Biodiversity of soils affected and not affected by the virus of the yellow rice panachure in Mali.
  • Abdoulaye DIAWARA: Sample based vs Database study for demonstration of gene clustering in diabetic type2 and prediabetic subjects in Mali.
  • Bourama TRAORE: Genomic analysis of P. falciparum infections in children including in Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) study in Mali.
  • Mamadou SANGARE: Identification of therapeutics targets in P. falciparum and their potential inhibitors
  • Fousseyni KANE: Genomic studies of repeated asymptomatic and symptomatic P. falciparum infection in children under 10 years in Mali.

Mr. Cheick Oumar TANGARA, Financial and Program manager of UCRC, manages the grants and student support.