
Network of data-scientists and bioinformatics scientists: Fatoumata G. Fofana elected president

The network of data scientists and bioinformatics scientists from Mali held its first General Assembly this Saturday, February 18, at the African Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics (ACE-B). 33 data scientists and bioinformatics scientists took part in the work. “I thank the members of the outgoing provisional board, we had to do a lot of work to be here today, and this is the place to congratulate them for their time and their determination.

I also thank all the members those who responded to this invitation, for the establishment of the official board”, said Mr. Abdoulaye DIAWARA, Outgoing President. Following the resignation of the provisional office headed by Abdoulaye Diawara, an electoral commission of six members was set up to elect a new board. An election marked by the victory of Fatoumata Gniné Fofana with 22 votes against 5 votes for Mamadou Sangaré. She will now have the heavy responsibility of leading an 18-member board for a two-year term.

“It is a great honor to have earned your trust and support to chair the new board of our network. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for the marks of trust, and ask for everyone’s continued support for the success of the missions you have entrusted to us.”according to Ms. Fatoumata G. FOFANA, incoming president. This network, which brings together all data-scientists and bioinformatics scientists in Mali, aims to help meet the requirements of biomedical research and high-level development for companies and health research organizations.

A vision that fits with the main objective of the African Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics (ACE-B), which is to develop sustainable expertise in Bioinformatics to support biomedical research in Africa.

Good mandate to the new board and look forward to the next General Assembly!!!