Ongoing Grants
1U2CEB032224: 2021-26
eLwazi ODSP Open Data Science Platform
eLwazi provides a flexible, scalable open data science platform for the DSI-Africa consortium ( to find and access data, select tools and workflows and run analyses on a choice of computing environments, all through easy to use workspaces ( This African led open data science platform provides an interactive environment to apply data science techniques to diverse datasets for novel health discoveries. The grant supports enrolment of four staff member of ACE-B:
- Bioinformatician
- Web developper (post-doc)
- System administrator
- Data scientist
Three PhD students related to this Grant are doing their research projects:
1. “Development of an Automatic Translation Model for the Songhay Language into Foreign Languages”, Aboubacar abdou Maiga
2. “In-silico Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions for the Prediction of New Malaria Vaccine Candidates”, Fatoumata Gninè Fofana
3. “Understanding Mechanism of Action of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein and Identification of Potential Inhibitors using ML approaches”, Oudou Diabaté
UE5 Research Education Program 2023-26
West Africa Center of Excellence for Data Science Research Education 2RTW010673
The overall objective of this UE5 Research Education Program involving the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technology of Bamako (USTTB) and Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, Guinea (UGANC) with support from Tulane University is to build interdisciplinary teams across multiple African institutions capable of using innovative quantitative and analytical approaches to generate and apply new knowledge from large or complex sets of data in West Africa. All these activities are carried out with ACE infrastructure.
- Five-days training on Intensive data science focused on faculty and senior researcher trainees at USTTB, UGANC, and DS-I Africa institutions. 15 Faculties and 15 trainees will be enrolled per training session. Two sessions will be conducted per year.
- Two-weeks Datathon including Instructor-led and Datathon-based trainings. Five Groups of three trainees will be enrolled in per year.
- Ten weeks Certificates Long-term Data science training using a web-based platform for maintaining course content. The program will enroll 30 students per year.