About us

Our Mission

  • Provide high-quality training at MSc and PhD degrees in Bioinformatics and Data sciences;
  • Carry out relevant, high-level research as the basis for high-quality training at the master’s and doctorate levels that takes into consideration the One Health concerns;
  • Provide continued mentorship for faculty and students, from  computational  biology  specialists  at the  National  Institute  of  Allergy  and  Infectious Diseases.Build a strong African collaborative Network for innovative and impactful considerations;
  • Provide expertise, mentorship, Training, and access to cutting-edge technologies and tools in Bioinformatics and data sciences to African researchers and scientists. More details, CLICK HERE


High Performance Computing:

Providing a low-cost, low-maintenance computing solution for advanced bioinformatics research.

Focus of this capability: HP DL580 (Generation 8) server containing 4 Intel® Xeon® E7 CPUS for a total of 64 Cores.


The ACE program also includes:

Telelearning Facility: a classroom space with 15 modern Bioinformatics workstations engineered for optimal communication and learning in remote training workshops.


Goals and career opportunities:

          To address the necessity of preparing young people who are capable of operating in the interfacing domains of biology, mathematics, and information technology;

          To address the needs of high-level biological research and development for business and health research organizations;

          To stimulate multidisciplinary approach, independence, spirit of initiative, and student research.