Workshops, symposiums and Outreach activities
Since 2018, ACE Mali has delivered annual international Data science and Bioinformatics workshops and symposiums at USTTB to foster growth in research education on computationally intensive topics including statistical programming, bioinformatics analyses, spatial data science, and database management.
- 3 symposiums on Bioinformatics and Data science were organized and the participants came from 12 a dozen of African countries, France, and USA.
- ACE Mali students have attended different training workshops in Bioinformatics such as:
- WASLITBRe Consortium Meeting at Covenant University in Nigeria
- Grant Writing workshop on Metagenomics at KNUST in Ghana
- Internships at Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
- Open Science Grid (OSG) In-person training workshop in USA
- ACE Mali is hosting different H3Abionet classrooms for: IBT, NGS course, 16S rRNA Microbiome course and African Genomic Medicine Training Initiative (AGMT)
ACE Mali Outreach activities
- ACE Mali has organized different conferences on ACE at Universities and Research Centers for students and junior researchers as well as the Open doors for press and potential users.
- Some awareness activities were carried out by ACE Mali Alumni and staff.
- ACE Mali website, eLwazi platform, H3ABionet, social networks and radio shows are used to for large information sharing.